The Septic System Saver restores & maintains septics, Holt tells HomeTalk USA’s Michael King

Michael King, the “2011 Radio Talk Show Host of the Year” Michael King Home Talk Radio (The National Radio Association) interviewed Karl Holt, President & CEO of Aero-Stream® on the proven results the Septic System Saver® has on failing septic systems. Holt discussed how, through his own septic system problems and engineering background; the very first aero-stream® unit was developed to restore his own failing septic. After obtaining patents and UL approval Aero-Stream® is now selling the Septic System Saver® world wide through major home improvement chains.

Aero-Stream® has been restoring and maintaining septic systems for 12 years, but that’s not all they do. The Aero-Stream® Team believes in educating consumers and guiding them through their septic system problems until they’ve successfully restored their systems. A recent review by a customer says it best, “I cannot recall ever having received, this level of customer and technical support on any purchase I’ve ever made!! They really want your system to work for you, and they stand behind it 100%.” 

Education is the 1st step in restoring your septic

There are 21million septic systems in America and an astonishing 4 million of them fail every year! This comes as no surprise since the average life of a septic system is between 15-20 years. This can be a very scary realization for many homeowners living with private septic systems. Are we supposed to shell out $8,000-$20,000 every time we hear “You’re system is failing, you’ll need to replace it?” Absolutely not! Educating yourself on your septic system and the low cost alternative will be the first step to restoring a failed system.

The conventional septic system has trillions of anaerobic bacteria in it. This anaerobic (with out oxygen) bacteria comes into the tank every time we flush the toilet, do laundry, wash the dishes, and take a shower. Over time this bacteria and it’s by product form a bio-mat that clogs up your drain field. This is the point when you start to notice, gurgling pipes, backups, pooling in your yard, and a strong sewage odor. Does this sound familiar? It’s okay, you don’t need to replace your entire system just because of some bacteria. Your system simply needs to operate differently.

Septic System Replacement Alternative

“I would recommend this installation as a cost-effective alternative to an expensive total system replacement to anyone experiencing problems with their septic system,” one pleased customer writes. The Septic System Saver® by Aero-Stream® takes any existing septic system and converts it from the poor functioning anaerobic environment to a highly efficient aerobic (with oxygen) environment.  The Septic System Saver can be installed in less than an hour with a few simple hand tools, allowing for your septic to operate at a peak performance that will last a lifetime.

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