Septic System Best Practices: Food Scraps
There are many septic system best practices that homeowners should understand and implement to ensure their system performs at peak levels for as long as possible. In this blog, we look at two best practices that fall into this category: minimize the amount of organic material that is washed down the kitchen drain and avoid using garbage disposals.
Read articleSeptic Systems: Total Fecal Coliform – II
Humans generate and pass large quantities of fecal coliform, including E. coli, along with organic material into a septic system.
Read articleSeptic Systems: Total Fecal Coliform – I
Another measurement used to judge how effective septic systems are treating wastewater is the Total Fecal Coliform Count measurement.
Read articleFOG – Fats, Oils and Grease in Your Septic Tank
FOG is an acronym for fats, oils and grease and is a component of wastewater. It can also be the cause of septic tank problems.
Read articleSeptic Tank Riser Benefits
How does one benefit from installing a septic tank riser? It makes all of the routine maintenance and troubleshooting tasks associated with septic tanks easier to execute.
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