Septic Tank: The BOD5 Measurement
In EPA/625/R-00/008, the EPA defines several standard measurements for septic tank performance. One of these measurements is BOD5, or biological oxygen demand.
Read articleSeptic Tank: The TSS Measurement
So, how does a homeowner know how effectively the septic tank is actually performing these functions? Are there standards set by the industry or government?
Read articleSeptic Tank
How many people owning a septic tank know that it has a service life that can be extended indefinitely? How many of these people know how their septic tank is designed to function?
Read articleThe Pain of Septic System Problems
Without a doubt, septic tank problems are the last issue anyone wants to deal with at any time of the year. Septic system replacement is over prescribed by septic pumpers and contractors.
Read articleWhat Does a New Septic System Cost?
To most people, septic system cost is never really considered unless they are building a new home in an area not serviced by a municipal sewer system. Even at that time, they are most likely distracted with many other decisions of the building process.While the septic system cost is one of the largest single expenditures…
Read articleHydrogen Sulfide in Your Septic Tank
There seems to be a mystery about hydrogen sulfide and septic systems. In some areas of the country the damage related to hydrogen sulfide is severe, and in other areas it is a non-issue.
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