Compare Aero-Stream vs. Chemicals & Septic Additives
You will find over 1200 companies offering chemicals or septic additives on the internet. All of these companies boast about the greatness of their products, however, they fail to provide proof that they perform as advertised. An independent study has been conducted indicating that the use of “Super Shock” septic additives did not significantly increase the total bacteria concentrations in the septic tanks as compared to the tanks that had no septic additives applied. To the contrary, another independent study has been conducted indicating that aerobic treatment of wastewater will recover a failing septic system drain field.
Aero-Stream® Pro Line™ | Aero-Stream® Remediator® | Septic Additive 1 | Septic Additive 2 | |
Price | $1,771 | $1,355 | $1,692 1 | $1,276-$5,824 1 |
Process Guarantee | 1 year | 1 year | “Reasonable length of time”? | 30 Days |
Diffuser Area | 77 Sq. In. | 59 Sq. In. | N/A | N/A |
Bubble Size | Fine | Fine | N/A | N/A |
Diffuser Location | >12″ from Btm | >12″ from Btm | N/A | N/A |
Install Time | 1/2 hr-1 hr | 1/2 hr-1 hr | 3 1/2 hr 5 | 3 1/2 hr 5 |
Shipping | Free | Free | Free | $220 |
Years Experience | 20th Year 6 | 20th Year 6 | 12th Year 6 | 18th Year 6 |
Units installed | Thousands | Thousands | ? | ? |
Third Party Data | Yes | Yes | No 7 | No 7 |
(1) 4 year application (never ending cost)
(2) No written Guarantee
(3) Does not allow solids to settle in tank sending them into the Drainfield
(4) Requires 8″ – 12″ opening (may have to cut a large hole in the tank jeopardizing the structural integrity of the tank)
(5) Based on 5 minutes per month for regular treatments and 1/2 hour for initial treatment
(6) Per
(7) Additives are not recommended by State or County Health Departments and banned in some countries.
The Truth about Septic Additives
Everyday we receive calls from homeowners that have failing septic systems that have been using some type of septic additives for years. If septic additives were the solution to prevent septic system failure every regulator in the country would recommend their use. To the contrary, you will be hard pressed to find any regulator or regulator web site that recommends septic additives, in fact, almost all DO NOT recommend septic additives. There is no scientific data that indicates that these “Flush and Hope” products are effective at resolving septic problems.