Cost Comparison

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Aero-Stream® Saves You Thousands of Dollars Compared to High Cost Septic System Replacement

To completely understand just how much money Aero-Stream® saves versus system replacement, look at the following options to resolve a failed septic system.

Option 1:

Install Aero-Stream® Product – minimal septic cost

  • Total cost: $1,300
  • Extends the life of current septic system indefinitely … (details)
  • Start seeing results in days.

Option 2:

Replace system; pay without loan – moderate septic cost

  • Total cost: $10,000
    (typical replacement cost)
  • Expected life from 5 to 20 years.
  • Likely will spend thousands of additional dollars in new landscaping.
  • Cannot be installed in winter when ground is frozen.
  • 6-8 weeks from bidding to installed system.

Option 3:

Replace system; pay with loan – high septic cost

  • Total cost: $15,189
  • Amount financed: $10,000
  • Interest rate: 6%
  • Loan duration: 15 years
  • See Option 2’s issues.
Conclusion: The Aero-Stream® option costs a fraction of system replacement, which contains many hidden and undefined costs. In addition, you are greatly inconvenienced for the time your lawn is unavailable to you for use.Some people go with Option 3 because they do not know about Aero-Stream® and do not have the savings to pay cash. Which option will you choose? The decision is easy; solve your septic problems today with the most cost efficient and effective solution available to you with minimal septic cost. Think about what you will do with the money you save by purchasing Aero-Stream®!