It has certainly been a harsh winter for many of us! Every time you turn on the news you see it…reports of record snowfalls and bone chilling temps. We’ve all become a little too familiar with winter this year which has most of us dreaming about spring. Well that dream isn’t to far off as spring is officially less than a month away. Many of us are already beginning to see the early signs of spring…the sun shining, birds chirping and snow melting away! This comes as a huge relief to many of us, but it also raises many concerns as we begin to see flooding.
Flooding can lead to many issues, but one issue many people gloss over is the effects it can have on their septic system. Excessive water leaking into your drain field and tank can be very hard on your system causing tank levels to rise and ponding to occur above their field. However, if we take some precautionary steps we can avoid these septic system problems.
Here are 3 important spring cleaning tips for your septic system:
Seal up Your Septic Tank Properly
For most people their septic tank is buried underground which makes it extremely inconvenient to monitor tank levels and do basic septic tank maintenance. Risers bring the septic tank up to ground level allowing for easy access when it’s time for routine pumping or deal with unfortunate septic problems. A modern plastic septic tank riser seals out surface water much better than a concrete riser.
We offer septic tank riser kits that include all of the hardware and sealants required for installation.
Have Gutter Downspouts Lead Away From Your Septic Tank & Drain Field
In spring our gutters begin to look like mini water parks due to the excessive rain and snow thawing. While you are outdoors doing your spring cleaning take a moment to see if any gutters are causing runoff to go directly towards your drain field. This can be a very simple fix by rerouting them.
Install a Controlled Septic Aerator
When we experience periods of increased rainfall and melting snow our septic systems have to work in over drive. When your septic system is aging it cannot get rid of the water fast enough because of a clogging bio-mat. In this condition, any rain water or snow melt-off that soaks into the ground above the drain field will actually flow back into the septic tank causing septic problems.
It is never too early to install an Aero-Stream controlled septic aerator to avoid problems. Our Controlled Septic Aerators™ are complete kits. They include everything required for the installation except the simple hand tools. Installation can be completed in 30 – 60 minutes without the need to hire a contractor.
Click on the image below to
watch how simple installation is!
We want to hear what’s on your spring cleaning list. Are you planning on tackling any big spring projects? Do you see flooding as a potential threat to your septic system?