Taking steps to boost the efficiency of your septic system now can save significant headaches and expense down the line, especially in areas with strict environmental regulations regarding the replacement and repair of failing septic tanks and drain fields. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offers guidelines for homeowners and oversees the operation of large-scale septic systems managed by local and state authorities, it does not directly establish regulations for home septic systems. Local, county and state authorities are generally the governing bodies that oversee home septic tanks and drain fields and enforce regulations for inspections and management of failing septic systems. These regulations can potentially add hundreds or thousands of dollars to the cost of replacement or remediation for a home septic system.
Expensive add-ons
If you require a new system due to unremediated septic tank problems, some states will require you to incorporate a pretreatment unit into the new installation. Usually installed between the septic tank and the drain field, these sand filtering systems can be expensive and generally require added construction and land area in order to function properly. Most areas require approval by local or county health authorities for any repair or replacement work on existing septic systems; in some cases, homeowners may be required to add a reserve drainfield to their proposed septic arrangement, further adding to the cost of the construction project.
Regulations and red tape
Even if no expensive add-ons are required, major repairs or replacement of your home septic system must usually be inspected at each stage of the construction process. Some localities charge fees for this service that can mount up as the work continues, leaving you on the hook for these added costs. Permits and adjustments to the construction project can add up to even more expense, leaving you with even more bills to pay in connection with your septic system repair or replacement project.
A simpler way to remediate
Fortunately, most septic system issues can be resolved without major construction or replacement. This is especially true at the onset of difficulties; by acting to remediate septic issues when they first become evident, you can often avoid unnecessary involvement by local authorities and the attendant costs of that involvement. Integrating an aerobic system into your existing septic tank setup can boost the efficiency of the decomposition process and add years to the life of your system. Aerobic bacteria are highly efficient decomposition agents and can improve the functionality of the typical septic system exponentially. Even for systems in advanced stages of failure, converting to an aerobic septic arrangement can often reduce the load on the drain field and allow it to recover naturally in a matter of weeks.
By installing a septic aerator or aerobic bacteria system like those sold by Aero-Stream, you can reduce the risk of septic failure. Even for systems in the early stages of septic failure, an aerobic system can provide increased efficiency and improved longevity for your home septic tank setup.