Four Tips for Healthy Septic Systems

A failing septic system often gives its owners plenty of warning about its deteriorating condition. Too often, however, these early warning signs are overlooked or ignored until the system stops working entirely. Rather than waiting for the condition of the septic tank and drain field to worsen, homeowners can take proactive steps to treat and remediate these problems before they become critical issues for health and functionality within the home. Here are four ways to maintain the health of your septic system more effectively.

Perform regular inspections

By inspecting the physical area of your septic tank and drain field on a regular monthly or weekly basis, you can often spot septic tank problems before they become serious and costly issues. Look for standing water and areas where the ground has subsided or is overly wet. These can often be signs of blocked pipes, inefficient decomposition within the tank or a critically overloaded septic system.

Install an aerator system

Anaerobic bacteria are the dominant decomposition force in most older septic systems. These bacterial agents, however, are far less efficient than aerobic bacteria in breaking down and eliminating solid particulate matter suspended in the septic tank wastewater system. An aerobic septic system requires oxygen to function and can process wastewater much more quickly and effectively. This can help to reverse septic tank failures during the early stages and can extend the useful life of the entire system.

Avoid bleaches and harsh chemicals

You can promote the health of your septic system by purchasing and using cleaning products rated as septic tank friendly. Bleach and other harsh chemicals can kill bacteria within the septic tank environment, significantly slowing the breakdown of impurities and particulate matter. This can lead to backups within the system and decreased efficiency for the septic processes performed within it.

Schedule regular checkups

The health of your septic system depends on a number of important elements, including the following:

  • Inlet and outlet pipes
  • Distribution box between tank and drain field
  • Distribution pipes within the drain field
  • Any electrically powered equipment, including pumps and aerators
  • Baffles within the septic tank
  • Main house drain leading to the tank

If any of these components malfunctions, breaks or clogs, your septic system will not perform correctly and may begin to display signs of failure. Regular maintenance and check-ups by a trained septic specialist can provide added security and peace of mind for homeowners and increased longevity for the septic tank system.

By making necessary upgrades and maintaining your household septic system properly, you can ensure that it performs as expected for many years to come. Well-maintained septic systems can be a green-friendly and healthy way to manage wastewater remediation and are a low-cost and high-efficiency choice for your home’s ongoing waste disposal needs.

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