The Myths of Septic Tank Problems

If you are reading this article, chances are that you are experiencing serious and potentially expensive septic tank problems. As you research potential solutions you will find outrageous claims from people and companies that try to convince you that they have the solution to your septic tank problem. You may turn to forums and chat room sites seeking unbiased advice from your peers.

While some of this advice may be sound, the majority of the published information on this topic is false, a myth, or at best, misleading. So based on this, how do you sort out fact from fiction? Fortunately you have found a company that has over a decade of experience solving septic tank problems across North America. To support this claim, please consider this


  • We have over 125 four and five star third party reviews on this site. Unlike others, we use an independent third party company named Customer Lobby to manage our reviews. Every review that is posted is authored by an actual customer. We do not have the ability to enter or edit any reviews.
  • Research us with the Better Business Bureau. The BBB is a trustworthy source for consumers to gain confidence with companies. We have been a member for the past 7 years and have an A+ rating.
  • Search the internet for complaints about our company. You will be hard pressed to find any negative information. In these days of the “wild west” internet, if someone has something bad to say about a company it travels like the plague across the internet.
  • We have a certified Trust e privacy policy to insure that your information is handled in a secure and professional manner.
  • We offer a 3-in-1 BuySAFE Guarantee. This benefit provides up to $10,000 of identity theft protection, a $1,000 purchase guarantee, and a $100 lowest price Guarantee.
  • We publish our concise Money-Back Performance Guarantee on our site. Some companies say they have a policy but do not post it. Others post their vague policy with many subjective requirements.

Common Septic Tank Problem Myths

  • Roots – This is the most commonly misdiagnosed “excuse” given by a contractor. If there is a tree in the vicinity of the drainfield the contractor will tell the homeowner that “obviously the tree roots have clogged the pipes and we need to replace the drainfield.” Actually, only about ½% of the tens of thousands of homeowners we speak with actually have a root problem. The overwhelming majority is a mature bio-mat.
  • Broken Pipe – The symptom is that the septic tank is not draining and there is water pooling in the yard above the drainfield. The contractor tells the homeowner “the drainfield lines must be broken or crushed so we need to replace the drainfield.” If the pipes were really broken or crushed the water would not be getting out to the drainfield and therefore the water could not pool. The materials used in the past 50 years are very durable. Clay, concrete and PVC pipe does not readily deteriorate. These materials can be mechanically damaged, however, only by a distinctive and unique event. If the drainfield is saturated and a heavy vehicle is driven over the pipes and sinks up to its’ axles you may want to investigate if damage was done to the pipes. If you have never experienced an event like this, it is most likely the bio-mat that is causing your septic tank problems.
  • Adding Bacteria – Your septic tank levels are very high. You do an internet search and find a company that sells “magic” bugs. The online bacteria store tells you that all of the soap that you use in your laundry and dishwasher are killing the bacteria in your septic tank. If you add their expensive bugs with a “super shock” treatment and then every month forever you will never have to pump your tank again!

These three scenarios are typical of what we hear every day. The true solution to your septic tank problem is to convert the process to an aerobic environment. This is done through controlled aeration of the septic tank. Don’t depend on a novice to solve this problem. Count on the experts with over 10 years of experience solving septic tank problems, Aero-Stream!

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