Septic Aeration

There are many septic “experts” in the industry that are completely unaware of septic aeration. They will tell homeowners with severe septic system problems that their only option is to replace their septic system.  Unfortunately, many homeowners in this situation will take the “expert’s” advice at face value and proceed with one of the most expensive asset replacement projects a homeowner can do.

New drainfield construction

If the homeowner would only perform a little research, they would discover there is an alternative that works extraordinarily well in all types of septic systems and soil conditions. They would learn that septic system replacement is completely unnecessary in most of the cases where the system is deemed to be in failure mode. They would understand that a revolutionary process, septic system aeration, can save their system and return it to a fully functional state of operation.

The reason septic aeration works so well is  that it converts the septic system’s bacterial environment from anaerobic to aerobic. There are many pages on this site dealing with the long term effects anaerobic bacteria have on a septic system. Anaerobic bacteria simply are not efficient enough at breaking down organic material to prevent the gradual buildup of a biomat in the drainfield.  It is a fact: septic system failure is inevitable and unavoidable for an anaerobic septic system.

Through extensive research, testing and design, Aero-Stream has developed a controlled process of septic aeration that reverses the effects of years of anaerobic septic system operation. When done carefully and under controlled conditions, septic aeration will remove the odors that characterize anaerobic septic systems and introduce  and sustain aerobic bacteria in the septic tank and drainfield, where it can remove the byproducts of the anaerobic bacteria.

Aero-Stream’s aeration process allows the septic tank to continue to perform its critical functions within the septic system – nothing changes except the conversion of the environment within the septic tank from anaerobic to aerobic bacteria.

Effective aeration methods have not been pursued by the mainstream septic system industry. Why should they pursue it? Septic system replacement is a reoccurring and lucrative operation that keeps the cash coming in for generations. The average septic system lasts around 15 years, so many contractors have an excellent opportunity for repeat business with the same homeowner! The thought of extending the life of an existing septic system indefinitely is a horrific scenario to the industry. The last thing they want to see is you spend your hard earned cash anywhere else but on a new septic system.

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