Aero-Stream was recently featured in an article about wastewater treatment published by Green Builder magazine. The article discusses the issues with our country’s wastewater infrastructure and describes the ways Aero-Stream’s septic aerator can help.
The EPA believes $298 billion will be needed over the next 20 years to replace and/or improve centralized sewer systems. However, as Green Builder states, “onsite or decentralized wastewater treatment offers an inherently sustainable alternative… Some systems require very little (or no) energy to operate” and can improve the local environment by recharging groundwater and irrigating the land.
Green Builder acknowledges that Aero-Stream’s aerator can improve septic tank performance and result in 30 percent cleaner effluent.
The aerator will help ensure wastewater is treated before being released into the soil and therefore prevents the ecosystem from being contaminated. The unit can be retrofitted into a failing system or used to extend the life of a system that is functioning properly.
Green Builder is the leading media company in the North American residential building industry with a focus on green building and responsible growth. The content Green Builder creates and distributes helps building professionals use more sustainable materials, products and techniques.