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Ways to Improve Water Efficiency in Your Home

Install low-flow Water Fixtures Making the switch to low-flow water fixtures can dramatically reduce your household water usage and monthly bill.  If your faucets, showerheads, or toilets were installed prior to 1995, you should consider upgrading to modern fixtures that offer greater water efficiency for numerous reasons. Many modern faucets use 40% less water and…

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The Versatility of Natures Disinfectant – Ozone

The History of Ozone Did you know that Ozone has been used in Europe since 1903 to purify drinking water and is currently being used in the United States for water purification? In fact it was added to Milwaukee County after the 1993 Cryptosporidiosis epidemic in which 69 deaths and an estimated 403,000 were sickened…

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Best Practices for Retaining Heat in your Home During Winter

As the fall weather gives way to sharp temperature drops for winter, you’ll want to make the most of your home heating. Here are some tips to keep comfortable as the temperature drops. Home Energy Audit Before the cold weather sets in, consider a home energy audit. During the audit, a specialist from your electric…

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How to Make a Rental Feel Like Your Home

When you’re renting a house, you may feel as though the space isn’t really yours. Luckily, there are options available to help you to make the place your own, without stepping on your landlord’s ownership or altering the property too much. Here are a few ideas to make your new rental feel like home. Paint Repainting…

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Anatomy of a Self-Sufficient Home: Living Off the Grid

To live a self-sufficient lifestyle means achieving the ability to independently source the needs operating a household without the external assistance of the “grid.” This requires an independent source of power, water, and in some cases food. For some people building a self-sufficient home this is the ultimate dream. Here is a look at the…

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